

About Me

I have been passionate about my own healing and growth for as long as I can remember. Initially, I was searching for ways to deal with the wounds of the past that used to have a debilitating effect on my life. I have been blessed with profound teachers and healers on my healing journey, that taught me how to find and utilize internal skills, tools and resources that brought me to relate to the pain of the past as a call to further grow and fulfill the potential that I am here to manifest. 

My intimate dance with pain (sometimes – literally) has been a resource for deep compassion for myself and for others, and an informing agent in how to meet those who come my way for support. That, along with a fascination with the human experience and with my desire to be of service in the world and to connect, brought me to find my calling as a somatic therapist. 

Professional Background

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist MFT#120702, working in private practice in the beautiful hills of Oakland, CA.

After completing trainings in Non-violent Communication and the Comprehensive Hakomi Body Centered Psychotherapy Method, I earned my master’s degree in Somatic Psychotherapy from California Institute of Integral Studies. I went on to complete trainings in Psychophysical Therapy for Couples, Gestalt Psychotherapy, and Relational Somatic Healing, which is a gentle and safe psychotherapeutic touch work.

Additionally, I have completed workshops in the Human Awareness Institute (HAI) and numerous trainings and workshops in different dance and movement modalities, such as 5 Rhythms, Biodanza, and Authentic Movement.

Website design and photographs by Jill Cunninghis